Offerings' Table

New interpretation about the table of offerings.


     Altar of alabaster found by A. Mariette to the North of Djoser's funerary temple (IIIe dynasty) at Saqqara ; Caire.

     The two lions which symbolise « the two provinces (sp?t) »/the two enneads/ the wife (cf. TP 509, precedent page), were represented as ornament not only of the pharaoh's throne, but also of the divine offerings' altar.
Those two lions/altar were one body with N as we can see in this formula of pyramid Texts :
TP 400 
T/A/E 40 M/F/E 51 N/F/Eg 38
« The Horus' eye (fem. = wife, cf. precedent posts) drips on the bush ( = altar) (ndfdf jrt ?r ?r b?t ?nw).
O you, the two Horus ( = the two bas) who preside on the houses, 

Lord of food ?f?w, 
The Great in On (wr m Jwnw), 
Can you give bread to N, (dj=k t n N)
Can you give beer to N (dj=k ?nqt n N);
Can you make green/prosperous N, (sw??=k N), 
Can you make green/prosperous the offerings' table of N (sw??=k wd?w n N)
Can you make green/prosperous the stock of N (sw??=k nmt nt N),
If N is hungry, the two lions are hungry (?qr N, ?qr rwty);
If N is thirsty, Nekhbet will be thirsty (jbb N, jbb N?bt)».

Laure de Lamotte ©

Table d offrande

Last edited: 24/05/2021

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