Makeup for Horus' eyes (fem.)

 New interprétation about le makeup in ancient Egypt

Rahotep et Nofret IVth dynasty ; from Meidoum, kept in Cairo. 

The make-up called « sdm » was calling back the verb « unite, sdmj » and consequently, this cosmétic was used as a mean for the eye  (jr.t fem. =humanity) of Horus, to conjugally unite (forthcoming article) to the creator god Osiris-Rê N, according to a spell of pyramid texts, playing on the paronomase :

TP 79- 80   ( W/F/N ii 11 T/F/N ii 11 N/F/Ne B iii 12 Nt/F/Ne B 15) :
« to recite 4 times, O Osiris N, I paint for you an eye of Horus sound on your face ( sdm(=j) n=k jrt ?r w??t r ?r=k);
 O Horus who is in this Osiris N (Hr jmy Wsjr pn). take the eye of Horus sound (mj n=k jrt ?r w??t). 
Horus who is in this Osiris N, I paint for you, on your face. Horus has painted his sound eye. (sdm(=j) n=k sj r ?r=k, sdm~n ?r jrt=f w??t.
O N, I unite for you yours eyes on your face, sound, that you might see with them (?? N pw, sdmj(=j) n=k jrt=k r ?r=k w??t, m?=k jm=sn)
offering of the green eye vert painted, 1 bag ; painted eye black, 1 bag. »

cf. Love's song (New Kingdom), the sister/humanity, say to her brother (=the creator god Osiris-Rê) : « May I be in your arms : it is pray that paint my eyes (tw=j m qnj=k, t?y=j n?.t nt(.t) (?r) ddm  jrty=j) »

cf. hymn to the creator god Amon (P. Berlin 3049, 9, 5-6): « The faces are painted (=capable to see , to unite with the god) by means of you (sdm(w) ?r(w) jm=k) »

Laure de Lamotte © 

Copyright 84ZU96

Photo de Le mariage dans l'Égypte ancienne.

Photo de Le mariage dans l'Égypte ancienne.

Last edited: 22/05/2021

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