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The embracing by a god

The embrace of the pharaoh by a god.

    The scene of the Pharaoh being embraced by a god, which has been depicted in bas-reliefs of all periods since the 3rd Dynasty, has been described in religious texts.
   What is the meaning of this scene according to these texts, presented chronologically?
   And how was this ritual transposed into the Songs of Love?

1) Religious Texts of the Old Kingdom.

        In the Old Empire, according to the Texts of the Pyramids and the stele of Qahedjet (Louvre E 25982, 3rd dynasty), Horus, the falcon-headed god, embraced (z?n, TP 20, 53, 128, 636, 641, TP N667B) pharaoh Osiris N, 
- so that Horus can speak on his head (TP 641), and Osiris N can take the eye of Horus (TP 20, 53, 128, 636),
- that Osiris N releases his moods (r?w)/flood so that he, Horus and Set are cleansed (w?b) from all evil (TP N667B, §*1944-45).
- and that Osiris N appears as Horus on his throne ?ndw, "having pierced the firmament (bj?) of metal, of his luminous spirit akh" (TP N667B §*1945)


    Osiris N must have been inside the arms of Horus : 
TP 659 §1864: "Mekhenti-irti ("face of the two eyes"(Helck & Otto 1975, col. 926 s.v. « Chenti-irti ») =Horus) came, 
§ 1865 if you (Osiris N) do not know him ( jr j.?m(w)=k sw), 
spend the night in her arms until the limit of your moods (s?r=k r=k m-?nw ?.wj=f jr ?rw r?w=k) 
for he (Mekhenti-jrti) is your calf, your guardian (b?s=k js, mnjw=k js pj)".

   Reciprocally, Horus must have been inside the arms of Osiris N, who must have enclosed his arms around Horus: 
 "Horus is inside your (=Osiris N) arms, which protect you (?r nw m-?nw ?wy=k, jn?=f ?w) 
and he has become a luminous spirit (akh) with you, in your name of the horizon from which Ra comes out ; 
§ 636d encloses your arms around him (Horus), he will not move away from you, sb?w n=k ?wy=k ??=f, ??=f, n bj?=f jr=k " (TP 368 § 636, 664C).

 Similarly, according to the formula TP 357: "§ 585(Osiris N) encloses your arms around him, around him, (sb?~n=k ?=k ??=f)
his (Horus) bones are in good order, (nw?w? qsw=e),
his heart is big (?? jb=f) ".

        These gestures describe the same scene of interlacing, representing each protagonist inside the arms of the other, but with a different gesture: Horus embraces (z?n) the pharaoh while Osiris N encloses (sb?) his arms around Horus.



        Each of the two gods has something to gain:

       - Horus becomes a luminous spirit by embracing Osiris N "in his name of horizon (akhet, a play on words with the luminous spirit akh) from which Ra comes out". 
   For Osiris N is the ka of Horus. Horus is purified from the evil that Set did against him, by the moods of Osiris N.

        - reciprocally, Osiris, through the embrace of Horus, receives the eye of Horus. Osiris N., having acquired divine limbs, bones (TP 357), is thus purified from the evil that Set did against him.


2) Religious texts from the Middle and New Kingdoms.

     Later, in the Middle Kingdom, according to formula 335 (CT IV 278d) of the Texts of the Sarcophagi (=TS) and in the New Kingdom, in chapter 17 of the Book of the Dead (=LdM), Osiris and Ra are described as "one embracing (?pt) the other, hence The One with the two bottoms".

      They are also called
- yesterday and tomorrow",
- Harendotes (Horus who protects his father)" and "Horus Mekhenty-en-irty (face that does not have both eyes)".

Conclusion on these texts.
       This interlacing (z?n, ?pt) was a ritual enabling Osiris N to become a Horus 'on his throne' (TP N667B, supra; cf. the feast of 'we are stable, mn=n', in relation to the coronation of Horus, mentioned in TS 335 and LdM 17). 
       But this gesture also described a marriage, as Horus with a hawk-head on the stele of Qahedjet, and other gods embracing the pharaoh represented in many scenes from all periods, made the same gesture of embracing as the wife in general at all times. 


3) Transposition of this ritual in the Songs of Love.

      This is why this interlacing ritual has been transposed in a passage of the Chants d'Amour (New Empire), as shown by the use of the verb "?pt, embrace" (cf. TS 335 and LdM 17), and the mention of the ladanum perfume in the ritual of confirmation of royal power (Goyon 1972, p. 95, n. 103).

     The "brother" identified with the god Amun-Re of Pount (=Horus-Re), thus addresses the "sister" (= Osiris N and his eye (=the gods, wife)):

"(Him) When I embrace her, her arms open towards me (?pt=j s.w gb.wy=s pš=w ?r=j),
as if I was the one who comes from Pount (=the god Amon) (mj nty m Pwn.t), 
it is like a misy plant turned into a mixture, whose perfume resembles that of ladanum (jw=f mj mjsy pr=y m dm?.t, [...jw] sty=s n? jbr.w) " ((Cairo Vase, O. DM 1266, stanza 6, 15) 

      The sister represents Osiris N and his eye (the gods), for she welcomes the brother exactly as the gods welcomed the god Amon of Punt and his perfume :
Great Hymn to Amon of Cairo (P. Boulaq 17, 2,4 = A. Mariette, P. Boulaq II, 1872, pl. 11) :
"The gods love his (=Amon) perfume when he returns from Punt ( mrr n?r.w sty=f ?ft jy=f m Pwnt) ".

    The sister also symbolised the eye, Isis, the gods, as "wife of the god (creator, Amun)", embracing Amun-Ra, this last being in the attitude of the pharaoh Osiris/Horus N. And she embraces Amun-Ra exactly as Horus (stele of Qahedjet) or Amun embraces the pharaoh Osiris/Horus N (figs. 5, 6). The sister is in the role of wife (=body djet) of the creative god, enlivened Amun-Ra and pharaoh N.

   Thus Pharaoh Osiris/Horus N represented the men and women who wished to unite with the god Horus or Amun in order to be "purified", i.e. to recover all their divine members, to be thus divinized, "imperishable" like the stars of the firmament (bj?) (TP N667B).

    Once the pharaoh Osiris N became Horus/Amon, he was united to the gods/eyes/firmament(bj?), i.e. to his wife represented by the priestess "wife of the god" adopting the same gesture of embracing as the god Horus/Amon. (cf. fig. 5, 6).

Laure de Lamotte ©


Qahedjet capture 

Panel of the pharaoh Qahedjet. Louvre E 25982. © Alain Guilleux - photos Egypt.



Amon enlace le pharaon nouvel empire

Amon embraces the pharaoh (New Empire) cf.


Last edited: 03/06/2021


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