flooding and fields
mace in limestone of the king Scorpio II (dynastie 0)
32 cm 5 height. Ashmolean Muséum.
New interpretation :
The pharaoh is wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt, celebrate « the feast » or the ritual of the canals' opening, one foot on the l'eau, in removing the earth that retained inondation's water in pools.
Inondation's water symbolised the gods/Horus conjugally united with Osiris (cf. supra, double ba). Osiris becomes the bull Ka « crossing » (=union) as inundation, « the fields (gds/=wife) of Ra he loves » :
TP 436 §788
« Your water in yours (mw=k n=k)
tour inondation is yours (b??=k n=k)
your fluid gone out of the god, the exudation gone out of d'Osiris, (r?w pr m n?r, ?w??t prt m Wsjr);
Yout hands have been washed (j?y ?wy=k), your hears have been oppened (wb? ms?rwy=k)
This mighty one has become spirit akh for his ba (s?? s?m pn n b?=f)
Wash yourself, that your ka might wash himself, that your ka might sit, eat bread with you, without end for the éternal body (n nwr n ?t ?t);
This départ (= inondation) of yours, the replacement of Osiris (šmt=k tn sty js Wsjr),
your face in front of you (?r=k m b??=k),
your praise on yours arms (=in front of you) (j?w=k tp-?wy=k),
It is pleasant for your nose concerning the perfume of J?t-wtt ;(j?m n šrt=k ?r s? j?t-wtt)
for your feet when they consacrate your feast ((A: quand ils posent ton piège) (n rdwy sqr=sn ?b=k)
for your teeth and for your nails, when your canals are oppened (litt. digged, unblocked) (n ?w=k stpwt=k ?sbt š.w=k);
May you cross as bull ka, great of the nome W??.t (Allen : pillar of the nome W??t, wr w??t)), for the Rê's fields that he loves (??=k m k? wr w??t jr s?wt R? mrr=f)
Get up, N, because you are not dead (?z ?w N pw n mt=k);
cf. Love's Song (New Kingdom) (P. Chester Beatty r° 17,5
« (She/the sister/humanity/the fields) I have found the brother (=le roi=le dieu créateur Osiris-Rê) at the mouth of the canal, his foot laid on the river (gm~n=j sn m r? ?nn, rd=f w?? ?r jtrw);
he was celebrating the ceremony of the day (sw (?r) jrt ??wt nt wršw)
distinguished for beers (s?n(=w) n n? ?nqt),
He was offering the charms of his breast (sw ?r ont jnw n ?rw=f)
his height superior to his width (jw q?=f r ws?t=f) ( = canal);
Laure de Lamotte ©
Last edited: 24/05/2021
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